Thursday 24 January 2013

15 and 51

Sharing a message I wrote for my school friends today.

"Hi Friends

I bumped into a great number mystery about us. Most of us were born in 1962 and passed out of school in 1977. Today, in 2013, we are 51 whereas we were 15 when we passed out.

Numerology says that 15 is a number that asks you to keep your thoughts and actions focused upon your goals and aspirations in order to manifest your highest ideals and to use your initiative, personal tenacity, positive affirmations and visualizations and keep your outlook bright and receptive in your life path to achieve all that you strive for.  

On the other end of the spectrum, 51 contains a message that it is time to put your priorities in order and get to work serving your soul mission and life purpose.  It says that our thoughts bring about our life circumstances and we create our own realities and we should look forward to wonderful new beginnings.

I am not into numerology nor am I even faintly acquainted with this science. But the peculiar similarity in these numbers; has prompted me, on this occasion of a numeric transposition in our ages, to pen down a few stray thoughts, for us to mull over.

At 15, going to school meant hanging out with my friends;
  At 51, hanging out with my friends, means remembering my school.

At 15, I yearned to spend a few extra minutes with my friends at school;
  At 51, I still yearn for those 2 days or 2 hours with my school friends. 

At 15 I was all zest and mischief for all that life had in store for me;
At 51 there is zest and maturity to make a deeper meaning to my life. 

At 15 I had a hazy vision about what I’d do with my life ahead;
        At 51, I wonder the same for my child, who looks to his/her life ahead. 

At 15, I dreaded what the teacher would say, was I to err in my lessons;
  At 51, I dread being a teacher, for I know not, if I have learnt my lessons. 

At 15, “Satyaanaasthi” was meant to be a place for punishment;
  At 51, I’ve learnt that it means there is no Religion Higher than Truth 

At 15, I dreamt that I will become an important person in life;
  At 51, I realize it’s taking me a long time to become the person I should be. 

At 15, love meant infatuation, romance, togetherness;
      At 51, love means caring & acceptance for all that is, has been or will be. 

At 15, I felt I will succeed and become different from what I am;
  At 51, having succeeded, I wonder how much I am still no different."

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