Thursday 21 June 2012


Dear Friends

I was in USA last week, and the compulsions of work there and on my return, prevented me from writing earlier. Whilst in USA, I was fortunate to visit a temple-site which is planned for construction. As I set about talking with the committed devotees who were trying to accomplish the divine task, their challenges in surmounting the limitation of resources, was palpable. Looking into the surrounding woods and trees, I suggested to them that their limitation of financial resources was more than met by the strength of “nature” being their bountiful friend. A thought occurred that they could create a pathway amongst the woods, trees, the birds and Mother Nature; and in those pristine surroundings they could put up tablets made of stone or wood, on which they could carve stories and teachings of the Lord.

On my return I remembered that the Vedas contain a divine hymn called “Purusha Suktam” which speaks of the entire creation as a single form of the Lord; the Supreme Purusha - the Cosmic Being. The sky, the waters, the trees, the mountains, the sun, the moon, the stars and the entire phenomenal creation is considered to be a single being, constituted in time and space. He is the Conscious Being, enveloping the entire Universe; is the past, present and the future. The entire study of environmental science as we know it; is contained succinctly in a single ancient text, that describes the Lord as manifested in all the things and beings that we perceive with our senses.

One of the immortal Abhangs of Sant Tukaram goes as follows: -
वृक्षवल्ली आम्हा सोयरी वनचरे, पक्षी सुस्वरे आळविती || ध्रु || 
येणे सूखे रुचे एकांताचा वास, नहीं गुणदोष अंगा येत ||  || आकाश मंडप पृथ्वी आसन, रमे तेथे मन क्रीडा करी ||  || 
कथा कमण्डलु परवडी विस्तार,करोनी प्रकार सेवु रूचि ||  || तुका म्हणे होय मनासी संवाद,अपुलाची वाद आपणासी ||  ||

Literally translated, this means that trees, creepers and flowers are part of me, where the birds sing melodiously. In absolute solitude, without any incompleteness or faults, I am happiness and bliss myself. Under the canopy of the sky and with the earth as my seat; my mind plays joyfully. My body is no different from my blanket and pitcher and the breeze tells me the time. Speaking about His creation is like food for me, and my conversations begin and end within myself.

In a beautiful and succinct manner, the saints who composed the sacred hymn called Purusha Sukta and the saint who sung this melodious poem have made us realize that Mother Nature is the Lord manifested as the Universe that we know of. We must remain in melody with Him, derive happiness and bliss from Him, enjoy His company and be in conversation with Him.

As we ascend and remain in communion with Him at Kailash, let us perceive Him and His Creation in all things and beings around us. Let us remember that we are only enjoying His play amongst the various experiences that we come across during our sojourn.

With Prem & Om

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