Tuesday 15 May 2012


Dear Friends

Probably the most common posture in which we find the Lord, is the posture of meditation. With eyes closed and palm extended in blessing, he is the epitome of peace and calmness. When we stand in prayer before Him, there is an inner silence that swells in our hearts. The noisy roar of thoughts that attack our minds constantly because of our incessant thinking, stops for a magical moment and we are peaceful in our within. This silence, which is always there within us; but which we fail to recognize in us because of our compulsive thinking habits; helps us in opening the eye of our minds, which is the Third Eye of knowledge within all of us. Viewed in that perspective, each of us is none other than Him, the Trinetradhari !!

Last week I mentioned about the birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Last week also marked Chinmaya Jayanti. So, instead of writing myself, this week, I am sharing one of his many teachings; this one is about Changing our Vision about ourselves. Over to my Gurudev: -

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